Today is our wedding anniversary! We have been married NINETEEN years! Can you believe it? Time flies. We went out for a special dinner with live music last week at a fancy new restaurant in Medina called Harvest. We had the best seat in the house right by the band, and the music was amazing. Great jazz style covers of classic big band and love songs. I requested "The Way You Look Tonight" and he did not disappoint.
This outing was most definitely a splurge considering how frugal we usually are....but I figure it's a special night so we should loosen up a bit. We ordered some wine, and I started with a salad and Nick got soup.
I can not believe it, but I failed to take a picture of our entrees before we devoured them! I ordered chicken with lentils and kale, and Nick ordered pasta carbonara. It was delish and we ate every bite!
We sat there for awhile enjoying the music and finishing our wine, then the pastry chef brought out a special plate for our anniversary! So sweet. We almost licked the plate!
It was a fun evening out, and Bradley has become very responsible and is a great babysitter for his little brother. He even put him to bed that night!
Cuddles is enjoying the season, as you can see here in his very relaxed state. He has a birthday coming up next month, and will be 17!
You could say this was an anniversary present--tons of snow! Thankfully I did not have to work, and the boys were out of school for the holiday so we had no where to go. The prediction was 12-18" over about 24hrs, and I think we will get pretty close to it.
We woke up this morning to about a foot of snow on the ground, so we both bundled up and headed outside to start digging out. Nick used the snowblower while I shoveled the porches and sidewalks, then we started helping our neighbor dig out their cars and clear their driveway. It was hard work! We finished around 11am and came in to rest before lunch time.
After lunch we decided to surprise the boys and take them sledding! We haven't been able to go this season yet, and what better day than a holiday out of school to go have fun? I dressed them up in layers and boots, and we grabbed the sleds to head to the town park where there is a big sledding hill. There was only one other family there at first, then our neighbors showed up. After a little bit several others came so we finished up to go home and warm up.
They had a blast, and this was the first time Jacob was brave enough to go down the hill by himself on a sled. He did good! The snow was not the best for sledding since it was so deep and powdery, but we made it work and all had fun. We came home and had hot cocoa to get warm, then relaxed the rest of the day. I'm curious how much more snow will have fallen thru the night tonight!