
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Friday, June 13, 2014

IVF Update

I found that funny image on this blog post here, which quite comically describes a man's experience in what I call the "Man Room" or what he calls the "Boom boom room".

This won't make any sense, but it feels like the summer is flying by yet our upcoming IVF cycle is taking forever. It might be because we planned it almost a year ago, or because I just want to get it over with! The latest update is small yet worthy of being mentioned.

While we were out of the country I started my latest cycle (fun!) on May 31, and then started my oral BCP on June 2. I'm on my third week of those now and just talked to my RE's office today about the next step. On June 25 we are going in for the ART (artificial reproductive technology) Screen where they do a mock embryo transfer and a sonohysterogram (where they inject saline to look at patency of uterus and tubes via US). At that visit we will also receive our official IVF "calendar" that outlines when I start each drug and probably dates of egg retrieval/embryo transfer.

On June 29 I will be starting injections of Lupron. According to the last time I did IVF, I did my egg retrieval 22 days after starting Lupron. That means sometime around the middle of July is when I would anticipate the egg retrieval/embryo transfer, and hopefully get a BFP by the end of July! Last time I got a faint + HPT 8 days after a 3 day transfer (or 11 days after the egg retrieval) so of course I'm going to be holding this cycle up to the same standards....

In other news this month makes 1 year ago that my grandma Margie passed away. She included Bradley and I as some of the beneficiaries in her trust, and part of that my money is going toward this IVF cycle! Thank you grandma :) She loved little Bradley and was so happy every time she got to see and hold him.

This month also makes 8 years that I've been a nurse, and my 28th (!) birthday was on the 11th. My whole family got together for some delicious food and I had a wonderful day. This weekend I'm cooking a nice dinner for Nick and my dad, and somehow squeezing in a garage sale on Saturday and Sunday. It's a busy month!


1 comment:

  1. Very excited about this! Hope August brings a new baby bean or two! ;)

    Rachel at wannabeafertileturtle.blogspot.com


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