
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jobs, Straws, and Babies!

Have you been enjoying your last week of February? We have! Our weather is so crazy that it is hard to know what to expect. One day it's hot and we can go to the park and open the windows. Then the next day it's cold and we are dressed in sweaters and stay inside. But regardless, we have had a few accomplishments this week!

I finally got my seeds planted in their portable little pods. I remembered the two flowers--marigolds and morning glory! I definitely do not have a green thumb, so I am very curious to see how and if these little plants turn out! I have always wanted a little herb garden, but none of my windows get good sun so I hadn't tried one yet.

In other news about me...I talked to a coworker about a side job she recently got at a local hospital and long story short--her manager called me to set up an interview for next week! Basically I would be picking up extra shifts there instead of at OU and be getting over $10 more per hour! It has been many years since I have been to an interview, so I'm a bit nervous!

Hubby has had a few more phone calls from his potential job so we are still praying that it will be all they promise. It sounds like he has the position, there is just a lot of paperwork and security clearance that he has to take care of. The job isn't supposed to start until April, so I will feel better when he signs a W-4 and has a start date! He is still searching just in case.

As for Brad--he learned something new on Thursday! We were at my nephew's 7th birthday party at a pizza place. My mom was holding Brad while we were getting ready to leave. I let him hold my cup and chew on the straw. I was watching him and started to see liquid come up in the straw, then up and up and--he drank from the straw! We have tried several times in the past to teach him that but he just didn't get it and would end up getting VERY frustrated. I was so proud of my little one! I called Nick over so that he could see it too.

I just have to mention a conversation that has stuck with me this week; the three of us were sitting at the dining table eating lunch and Brad was smiling at us while he ate his food. We were done already and were just watching him be cute. Then Nick turned to me and said, "After we get moved and settled, I want us to start working on number two." I smiled real big and gave him a kiss! After all that we went through with infertility, then the stress of IVF, then the craziness of delivery, hormones, and having a newborn....he didn't know if he wanted to go thru that again. And honestly--I was positive I didn't either! That is, until we found our routine and the hormones got back under control...I finally started considering another one when Brad was almost a year old. But after all of the love and bonding that has grown bigger with Brad every passing day--how amazing would that be to do it all again?? Plus, I absolutely ADORED being pregnant. Sign me up!


  1. Sounds like everything in careers are all lining up! What blessings! And of course what an exciting conversation with hubby!!! Number two sounds so exciting-praying its in Gods will to be! :)

  2. Excited to hear how tomorrow's interview went! You better call! Loved reading your blog. And, so does Mother. We're going to have sooooo much fun at Girl's Nite! Can you believe all that will be coming?!?! Going to have a fire going? Hope so!


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