
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Being Momma

I'm sure all mothers think everything their child does is cute, so I don't feel bad! Yesterday my little one busied himself playing with my hair clips in the bathroom while I was getting ready...

Who needs toys?? It is so amazing to watch him grow everyday, to learn how to use things and how things work. I see him studying lids and such, and he learns how to unscrew them or open them, then put them back on. It is hard to believe that in just a couple of years he will be starting school and bringing homework home, and little pictures he has drawn. I can't wait!

Nick and I remember everyday how blessed we are to have Bradley here with us. We went through so much pain, suffering, waiting, and interventions to get him here but it was worth every dime spent, and every tear shed! With male infertility we are completely out of control, unlike most female problems that can be remedied with pills, injections, or weight loss. We just had to trust God that IVF was our hope, and pray that we were blessed. We are already talking about #2, and--dare I say--I am feeling the twangs of baby fever creeping up again!

Thankfully since we already know what our "problem" is, we won't have to waste years trying to find out! We can get straight down to business, and plan accordingly. If it is in God's plan for Brad to have siblings then we will look forward to being doubly blessed!

In other news...I don't want to prematurely break news but BOTH Nick and I have prospective job opportunities that we are waiting to hear more on. Mine would of course be a moonlighting job in addition to my part-time job now. It would greatly help us with our goal this year of paying off debt and saving up to move! Keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Its true-children can entertain themselves just by exploring the things we need/use on a daily basis of living...or things around a house that contribute to the daily living in a home. Its amazing to watch! Scott has learned to do his hair like daddy-we give him a little big of hair gel and he ruffles it through his hair spiking it up like dad! they learn things so quickly its amazing!

    I can imagine that the baby fever has set in. Heck I started having baby fever when Alexis first started working on sitting up. I am excited to watch her grow and develop throughout each milestone in her life...but at the same time I wish we could have her as a newborn infant again...I do miss it and wish nothing more then to have a pregnancy of our own so that we can have another newborn infant to raise! But that's wishful thinking-having the male factor IF that is not even reliable enough for IVF makes it a difficult pill to swallow knowing the chances of a newborn again are 1 in a million. But like you two-we continue to remind ourselves how we have already had the one in a million chance and was placed with a newborn infant from the hospital and now making us doubly blessed! It is so great having two children-if we had more control over our situation I'd say spread it out a little getting one then the other. BUT the bigger picture is not up to us its up to God. And we are living the life just as God intended-parents to two children within months. Have you discussed a potential goal to begin working on #2?
    Praying for blessings of your pending job opportunities!!!


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