
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 14 and 8 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Induction Ceremony!

This week Brad got officially inducted into the NSLS--National Society of Leadership and Success. This is a collegiate honor society that values leadership qualities as well as good grades. He was invited to join 2 different ones this year for his high grades in college, so this is the one he chose. He completed all the necessary steps required to complete his membership, and was invited to attend the official dinner and ceremony at the college this week.

He spotted 2 schoolmates that are seniors, so we all sat together.

Had to get a pic with the school mascot!

Officially listed on the board!

He got his cords for graduation, and took a group pic with the rest of the inductees.

This boy is in for big things! So proud of him.

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