Merry Christmas to all my friends and family who are taking the time to read this! I hope 2023 brings blessings and peace to your life.
We are closing out this year with happiness and serenity here in our little corner of the world. We look forward to what next year will bring!
In a recap of this busy month here are some pics of life in general as well as our quiet holiday at home. This was one of the complimentary meals my hospital provided employees during the holiday week. It wasn't too bad! Stuffed chicken breast, ham, pasta, green beans, mashed potatoes, and cheesecake.
Nature gave us a blizzard for Christmas here in Western NY! You may have seen national coverage of the snow in Buffalo--thankfully we escaped THAT craziness and got maybe 6-8" here in Albion. We did get to enjoy the blizzarding (my new word) for 2 days warm in our house and were so blessed to not lose power as I know many did!
All of our grocery and present shopping was already done so we had no where to go during the storm. For Christmas Eve dinner we enjoyed our traditional "Arbys" roast beef and cheddar sandwiches with curly fries while watching "A Christmas Story". The boys each opened one small present that evening.
We woke up Christmas morning to blue skies! It was still too cold for the boys to go outside but Nick and I did brave the temps to clear off the driveway while we could. After presents and dinner I went in to work for a few hours to help my fellow nurses out in the ICU.
The boys had fun opening their presents and stockings, then we had our traditional morning breakfast of homemade biscuits and sausage gravy. Yum!
For our Christmas dinner I kept it simple and made chicken enchiladas, homemade refried beans and guacamole, and a sopapilla cheesecake that was delicious! We have been working on the leftovers since then and I think we are almost enchilada'd out, haha!
As I get older I am definitely trying to work hard on inner peace and learning to say 'no' and distance myself from people or things that cause undue stress. It's a daily battle but one that is necessary and will hopefully become easier with time.
Cheers to 2023, and all that lies beyond