Hard to believe this month is almost over already!! I figured I would post some photos from the month to keep you occupied.
Fall is in full swing in the Pierce household! Here is our inviting front porch ♥️
We harvested the last of our grapes--the Concords--earlier this month. They were supposed to be seedless, however they have pretty large seeds inside. They taste great though! The vines grew like crazy this year and will need a big hair cut in the spring.
We had some beautiful fall flowers that stuck around to the end! Asters and roses here...
I've been busy at work on my side gig--herbalism! I've been growing and harvesting my own herbs, as well as teaching myself how to use and process them. I've been making salves and medicine for home use, as well as to sell locally and online! I am waiting on supplies to add herbal bath salts to the inventory as well. To check out more, you can see my
Etsy shop HERE 😁
Thank you Lord our little town is semi back to some kind of normalcy. The library had a science kit available for older kids, so I took Brad in to check out the microscope while Jacob played on the computer. They love the library!
I think I forgot to mention that Nick sold his Blazer and replaced it with a 1951 custom Chevy Bel Air. He did a lot more customizing to it after purchase and has it just like he wants it now. It will be tucked away for winter soon to hibernate in the garage....
And let's not forget the election upon us! Nick and I voted early this week, and it's nice to have that out of the way. Now we wait for the craziness to be over on Tues!
That's it for now! Next post will be Halloween 🎃