
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

Let me start off by saying that we had a white Christmas!! We didn't think it would happen because this December has been very mild, and no snow has been on the ground for a couple weeks. It was 50 last Friday! We got about an inch on Christmas Eve, then ended up getting about another inch overnight into Christmas. We were very happy ❤

We love our funny little family traditions, and they start on Christmas Eve. Every year Nick's grandparents would get a bunch of Arby's roast beef sandwiches, so we continued that with our family after they passed. But once we moved here to Albion there are no Arby's close by, so we make our own! We tried a new Amish market for the beef this time, and it was DELISH. Even had onion buns and curly fries.

Christmas morning was good, and we started off with the traditional biscuits and sausage gravy breakfast after opening presents! I was delighted to see that Nick got me the complete set of Golden Girls on DVD!! He also built me a Super Nintendo and got my favorite Mario game (plus others).

Growing up my mom got us pickled okra for our stockings (I love it!), so Nick hunted some down and gave it to me.

The boys were very excited with their presents and played with them all day. We all stayed in our PJs!

This was our 3rd year of having a Mexican feast for Christmas! I made a new recipe for chicken enchiladas, as well as black bean chipotle dip, white queso, Spanish rice, and tacos. YUM

I browsed through our local paper today, and saw that Brad's letter to Santa was published in it! I'll have to save it ❤

I hope everyone had a great holiday, and a safe New Year! I get to spend 2 more weeks off on disability, then it's back to work for me!


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