
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

RE Consultation

Tuesday morning was our first consultation with Dr. Hansen! It was like déjà vu being back in that office again. We turned in our paperwork and had a cup of coffee in the waiting room until we got called back. Dr. Hansen took us in his office and reviewed our history with us and the details of our previous time with Dr. Haas. I was very prepared and brought all of our records and lab results so that he could see what Nick's numbers looked like with previous tests. We talked about our options and success rates, and what our plan is going to be. Nick had some interesting questions....like "Can we make sure it's a girl this time?" but God bless him for participating!

He had Nick turn in a SA right then so that he could start working on testing his current morphology and motility. He said that could take up to a week to come back. We are both very curious to see if there have been any improvements since he has been taking his supplements. I deferred my "v" ultrasound until next week because mother nature decided to arrive on Sunday. So I get to go back bright and early next Tuesday for that!

After he gets the results from both of our tests back, we are going to decide if we want to proceed with our plan which is = 3 rounds of IUI with Clomid and trigger shots. I have done several rounds of Clomid in the past, but never an IUI and never both. He said if they need to they can centrifuge the sperm so that the stronger ones "rise to the top" and it concentrates the sample for IUI.

Right now we are preparing to begin this with my next cycle! We are excited and hopeful on this new journey. We have talked about doing IVF again, but that will be our last option after we try other things.

I couldn't help but think back to 5 years ago how we were doing the same exact thing at the same office. So much has changed in our lives since then! We no longer have that deep void in our heart for a child. I had a perfect uneventful pregnancy and that helps calm my fears for another one. We survived the newborn stage and all of the hormonal/sleep-deprived madness that comes with it, and now we know what babies really need vs what you think they want. Our marriage has become so much stronger after going thru infertility and coming out the other side with a healthy and happy child. Nick is much more involved (and excited!) since he knows that we can do it together and it's not as scary as he thought it would be.

Basically we are in much better spirits this time around because we KNOW it is possible for us to get pregnant--the question is what will it take? It is not in our hands so we will pray for the guidance and strength to take whatever comes our way!


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