
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our Snow Days!

Man, I wish it would always snow in winter! Unfortunately that probably isn't going to happen here, and if it did then everyone in Oklahoma would be complaining nonstop about how inconvenient it is....but let me get off of my soapbox and tell you how we have enjoyed our white days!

This was just a beautiful snowy day, and I think here in Norman we got about 6-8 inches. Hubby's school got canceled Thursday and Friday so we were able to build a fire and snuggle. We bundled up the little one and took him outside for a bit to experience how the flakes feel--he didn't know what to think about it!

^This one is funny because whenever Nick wears a hat, Brad just stares at him like he is an alien.
(don't you love his tiny mittens???)

Thankfully we have a 4x4 that I could take to work Friday and Saturday night. I don't know why people keep asking me if I'm "going to go to work in this weather"....come on guys--I work at a hospital....in the ICU...it doesn't close!!!! I have to be there rain or shine, flood or blizzard. The only two times I have missed work was in August of 2008 when I was in a hurricane in Jamaica and couldn't get a flight out in time, and last month on Christmas Eve when we had the blizzard and I physically could not get to work.

Last week I started working on some home decorating crafts that I've been thinking about for awhile. I will probably put up pictures as I finish them, and then at the end show you a before/after of the room that I'm working on. It involves handmade wall art, curtains, a table runner, and topiaries!

And I am proud to say that I filed our taxes last week! I like to get it done and out of the way as soon as we have all of our many forms in. I claimed a lot of exemptions last year on maternity leave so that my paycheck was bigger, so thankfully because of Nick's education credit we will still get a big chunk back. I was joking with my dad about how you know you are a real adult when you have to wait for like 10 forms to come in before you can file your taxes! This week we are going to make a trip to the county assessor's office to file for some discounts on our property tax. Every little bit helps since in our neighborhood the property taxes are through the roof. The are in NY that we want to move to has higher property taxes also, except their housing prices are a lot lower than here so it evens out pretty well. You get a lot nicer bang for your buck...plus it's just a beautiful area :) *sigh*


  1. Love the snowy weather pictures! Bradley is just so cute in his little snow jumper! I hear you on the not missing work part...I am floating in the same boat with you...can't miss your shift when you work in a hospital, it never closes no matter what the conditions outside! Glad you made in to and from safely the other day with out wrecking! Not fun stuff thats for sure!

  2. Coffee and chit chatJanuary 31, 2010 at 9:57 PM

    You got some cute pics here! Wonder if this'll be our last good snow for the season...hmmm


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