Man, I wish it would always snow in winter! Unfortunately that probably isn't going to happen here, and if it did then everyone in Oklahoma would be complaining nonstop about how inconvenient it is....but let me get off of my soapbox and tell you how we have enjoyed our white days!
This was just a beautiful snowy day, and I think here in Norman we got about 6-8 inches. Hubby's school got canceled Thursday and Friday so we were able to build a fire and snuggle. We bundled up the little one and took him outside for a bit to experience how the flakes feel--he didn't know what to think about it!
This was just a beautiful snowy day, and I think here in Norman we got about 6-8 inches. Hubby's school got canceled Thursday and Friday so we were able to build a fire and snuggle. We bundled up the little one and took him outside for a bit to experience how the flakes feel--he didn't know what to think about it!

(don't you love his tiny mittens???)

Last week I started working on some home decorating crafts that I've been thinking about for awhile. I will probably put up pictures as I finish them, and then at the end show you a before/after of the room that I'm working on. It involves handmade wall art, curtains, a table runner, and topiaries!
And I am proud to say that I filed our taxes last week! I like to get it done and out of the way as soon as we have all of our many forms in. I claimed a lot of exemptions last year on maternity leave so that my paycheck was bigger, so thankfully because of Nick's education credit we will still get a big chunk back. I was joking with my dad about how you know you are a real adult when you have to wait for like 10 forms to come in before you can file your taxes! This week we are going to make a trip to the county assessor's office to file for some discounts on our property tax. Every little bit helps since in our neighborhood the property taxes are through the roof. The are in NY that we want to move to has higher property taxes also, except their housing prices are a lot lower than here so it evens out pretty well. You get a lot nicer bang for your it's just a beautiful area :) *sigh*