At 5 months old you:
- Go to bed between 8-9pm
- wake up to nurse around 4am, and get up for the day around 9am
- nurse every 2-4 hours
- love to eat w/a spoon, and have eaten cereal, bananas, carrots, and pumpkin so far
- have two bottom teeth already
- love to stand if we help you balance
- can kind of sit up by leaning on your hands
- can roll over front and back
- talk to us by croaking and squealing
- are ticklish on your back
- usually take 2 one hour naps a day
- like to chew on your feet and pull your socks off
- are still wearing size 2 diaper
- almost always cover your face w/your blanket to go to sleep
We began our Thanksgiving celebrations on Tuesday. Since my parents are divorced, I cooked a big dinner and had my dad over for our own fun!

Then on Thursday after I got off work, I came straight home and started cooking. I made two batches of homemade yeast rolls, sweet potato casserole, and deviled eggs to take to my mom's for her big dinner at noon.

After that I went home to take a little nap, then we headed down to Elmore City to see Nick's family and have some leftovers. We stayed there for a few hours then came home and went to bed early!!

All in all we had a fabulous holiday and lots of fun seeing all of our family.
To end with, I made these adorable pants and a matching bib this week! This is super soft flannel, and I made them a little big so that Bradley can wear them for awhile.