
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Saturday, September 26, 2009

3 Months Old!!

Wow! You can see my big guy is a happy little camper! Today he is 3 months old and the light of my eye.

At 3 months old you:

  • are sleeping 8-9 hours at night
  • go to bed around 11pm with no trouble
  • like using your paci when putting yourself to sleep
  • nurse every 3 hours
  • hold your head up great
  • are starting to grab things
  • like to chew on your hands
  • still do not like tummy time
  • have outgrown all 0-3 months clothes
  • are too long for some 3-6 month clothes
  • are wearing size 2 diapers
  • occasionally giggle if we work for it
  • love going for walks in your stroller
  • don't give daddy much trouble when mommy has to work
I think that about sums it up! I love seeing what each new day has to bring and I can't wait to watch him grow.

Work is going good and I seem to be surviving on about 4 hours of sleep each day. I worked an extra shift this week so it was a little harder than it normally will be. Since I work in the ICU it is hard to slip away every time I need to pump because someone else has to watch my patients for at least half an hour, at least twice a shift. So if my people are busy, and other patients are busy...that makes it a big inconvenience. Thankfully everyone is pretty understanding and doesn't mind much.

My hubby has been sick the last few days. They sent him home from class Thursday morning because the flu has been going around so much. Evidently Oklahoma is one of the hardest hit with the H1N1 flu so far. Yay for us! But he seems like he is starting to get better so we're grateful for that! I swiped some masks from work for him to wear since he has to take care of Bradley while I'm working/sleeping. We don't want him getting sick!!

This morning I got my flu shot at work, and they say the H1N1 vaccines should be coming in next month. Yes I will have to get that too. If any of us come down with the flu, we can't come back to work for at least a week. But I haven't been sick in a few years so let's hope I continue that trend. Any of the patients that they suspect to have the flu are put on precautions until it is ruled out. Can't wait to see what this winter holds!


  1. Those little rolly polly legs are the cutest!!! He is so adorable! I wish I could get a pic of Kaden smiling, but he is so fascinated with the camera, that he stops smiling and gets real serious when he sees it.

  2. Found you though Susan (Hoping and Waiting) and have been lurking your blog for awhile! Just wanted to say I think your little man is absolutely adorable and I have loved keeping up with y'all through your blog!


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