
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Friday, July 10, 2009

2 Weeks Old and Pictures

Mr. Fantastic (as we have taken to calling him) is officially 2 weeks old today!! His sleep pattern is getting a little bit more regular with frequent intervals of 3 hour naps instead of only 2 hours. The last few nights I have been able to pretty easily get him back down after feedings. And he's been successfully sleeping in his crib!!

Yesterday Bradley and I went to my mom's house in the evening, and from there we walked a couple of blocks to my grandma's house so she could see Bradley for the first time. I had to take a picture because Bradley is her first great grandchild!! She was very happy to see him, and loved all his hair. She told us about when she had her children--the first one was in November 1945 and he was only 3lbs! They kept her in the hospital for 10 days and didn't even let her get out of bed until day 8. Amazing how different things are now compared to then.

This is Bradley passed out in his Boppy. Great for nursing and great for naps! It cradles him quite well.

And this is him passed out in his favorite bouncer chair. I love how his hair sticks up in the back! Too cute. Now don't be fooled--he doesn't sleep all the time!! But right now I can honestly say he is really only fussy when he has an upset tummy/gas. These days he usually has a few hour span each day where he is awake, happy, and looking around.

In other news, I finally got my side of the craft room unpacked and organized since moving into this house. First on the agenda is sewing curtains for our bedroom and kitchen windows. Then seat cushions for our bar stools. And after that is done, I can start working on my pregnancy scrapbook!!!! I'll keep you posted :)


  1. I just can't get over how cute he is and how big he is getting. Don't you just love sleep gowns? You are looking great. Hope you are feeling ok as well.

  2. He is SO precious! I love that pic of him on the boppy...so so sweet :) And the hair...I think that baby has more hair than I do!!!!! gorgeous!

  3. He is just a doll...and yes, like everyone else says...I LOVE THE HAIR!!!

  4. Love your new header! That hair is awesome!

  5. Awww Kandace! His features are getting more and more distinct! Now looking at him he is a perfect mix between you and Nick! He is just so darn cute!!!!


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