I meant to write a little summary of Bradley's developments on his 1 month post but I forgot to! Today was his checkup at the pediatrician so I'll just post it all now. First things first--his 1 month length and weight are...
11lb 1oz
23 inches
Wow!! That means in only 3 weeks he has gained almost 3lb and grown 1 1/2 inches!! How's that for some super milk, ha!
At 1 month old:
- You usually sleep 2 hours at a time, with an ocassional 3-4 hr here and there
- Your nights and days are still slightly backwards, but we're working on that!
- You are nursing great and having no trouble with that area
- You are becoming the master of diaper blowouts
- You really only cry when you are hungry
- You are not bothered at all by noisy environments
- You love your bouncy chair
- You like when mommy wears you in a sling
- You like when we take you outside
In closing, some of you are familiar with newborns and their backward day/night schedule. Well my little man has been sleeping great during the day and not so great at night. So yesterday we set out to TRY to keep him awake as best we could for most of the day. It was very hard, and let me just say that baby can sleep through almost anything! But we persevered and he didn't nap as much as he would have liked.
So when nighttime came I fed him very well, and put him in his crib around 10:30pm. Now before, he would sleep for MAYBE 2 hours at a time at night, and was fussy when I put him down. Well this time, he passed out when I put him down the first time, and slept great until 1am. I fed him again (sometimes it takes forever) and put him back down at 2:30am. This time he slept until 6:15am. Once again I fed him well and put him back down at 7:30am, and he snoozed great until 11:30!!!
Unfortunately I still have trouble falling back asleep after I've put him down, so I usually lay there for at least 30min each time before I finally go to sleep. But I try to get at least 6hr each night (not all together of course). If only I had an "off" switch so that I could take advantage of the whole time he was sleeping!
Today he has been awake for several hours. He did well at the doctor--no shots this time, but he will get them at his 2 month checkup. I just fed him and he is sleeping so please pray that he keeps his nights/days straight!! It's just better for everyone :)

So when nighttime came I fed him very well, and put him in his crib around 10:30pm. Now before, he would sleep for MAYBE 2 hours at a time at night, and was fussy when I put him down. Well this time, he passed out when I put him down the first time, and slept great until 1am. I fed him again (sometimes it takes forever) and put him back down at 2:30am. This time he slept until 6:15am. Once again I fed him well and put him back down at 7:30am, and he snoozed great until 11:30!!!
Unfortunately I still have trouble falling back asleep after I've put him down, so I usually lay there for at least 30min each time before I finally go to sleep. But I try to get at least 6hr each night (not all together of course). If only I had an "off" switch so that I could take advantage of the whole time he was sleeping!
Today he has been awake for several hours. He did well at the doctor--no shots this time, but he will get them at his 2 month checkup. I just fed him and he is sleeping so please pray that he keeps his nights/days straight!! It's just better for everyone :)