
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wow. I'm Really Sore.

Where to begin...this morning was my retrieval. So after working 12 hours last night, I drove all the way home to get my stuff and my husband, then drove all the way back to the Dr. I was sooo nervous, but they were really good about explaining everything to me as they went along. They took me back to a room where I changed and they started an IV and hooked me up to a monitor (my first ever IV by the way). The anesthesiologist came in and told me what drugs they were going to use, and what to expect when we got into the procedure room. Now since I'm an ICU nurse, I'm very familiar with sedative drugs. The cocktail I got was Versed, Fentanyl, and Propofol. I was very surprised to hear the Propofol because that is a drip that almost everyone on a ventilator in my ICU is on! So now I get to go to work and tell everyone I've had it, lol.

Dr. Haas then came in and explained the procedure to Nick and I, and reminded us what to watch out for afterwards at home. He told us some swelling and soreness is normal, but it should get better not worse. Then they wheeled me back and sent Nick off to the waiting room. The last thing I remember is the doctor putting the speculum in! Next I woke up back in the first room and the nurse was sitting with me and writing down my vital signs. I do believe I began talking her leg off when I woke up, so that was pretty funny. Nick did his business, then Dr. Haas came in to tell us how it went.

He started off by saying they got 21--yes, TWENTY-ONE eggs!!!! He was only expecting 10-12!! So we are very excited about that. Then he proceeded to say that there was some bad news...evidently my bladder is larger than normal (probably due to my non-peeing at work) and they had trouble getting to my right ovary so they most likely punctured my bladder in the process. He said it's not all that uncommon, but he consulted a urologist to get his opinion. The urologist said it would be best for me to get a catheter put in for a few days to keep my bladder empty and keep pressure off of the puncture so it would heal faster. I was NOT pleased to hear this (I've never had a catheter either), but I told him all I cared about was the eggs.

After everything was said and done, the nurse walked us down to the car and we headed to the urologist's office a few blocks away. Of course the nurse had just gone to lunch, so we had to wait 30 minuted in the waiting room. I was getting pretty miserable at that point. The pain started out being kind of like period cramps, but now it's pretty much like my organs have been punched and then juggled in a circus show. So yeah, they put the catheter in (I think they used the biggest one they could find) and attached it to a leg bag that goes underneath my clothes.

As soon as we got home I made Nick go and fetch some Arby's because I was sooo freakin hungry. I have since been taking my pain medicine every 3 hours because otherwise it hurts so much to even cough or sit up/down. I am hoping that I feel better tomorrow. The catheter isn't too bad, but I don't intend on leaving the house with it. I can take it out on Thursday morning, and I have to take some antibiotics while it is in.

My doctor was worried about me, and had me call him after the urologist and fill him in on what they said. He told me to call him day or night if I start having any troubles. I can't wait until the phone call tomorrow when they tell me how many fertilized!!!! He also said that Wednesday they will tell me if the transfer will be Thursday or Saturday.

That is it for now people, I am quite feeble right now. My mother is coming over tomorrow while the hubby is gone so she can be my personal assistant. I know it will be worth it, and someday in the future I'll laugh about all of this :)


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I seriously can't believe that happened to you! I'm so sorry girl, I feel so bad for you. I'm glad your mom is taking care of you tomorrow. I just hate it that you have to go through this. As if the IVF crap wasn't enough! Geez! Ok, praying for lots of fertilized embryo's. 21 eggs is AMAZING! Take care of yourself and I'll be thinking about you.

  2. Very good news! 21 eggs!
    I'm sorry to hear about the bladder puncture-but I'm sure Haas will take good care of you!


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