Better late than never--our snow finally came this month! Parts of Buffalo, NY received over *8ft* of snow!! Can you even imagine?? Thankfully due to our specific location we are just out of the crazy band of lake effect snow so we got a bit over a foot during the course of a week. Just enough to get out and have fun in it!
I went with a friend down to our fave stomping ground, Letchworth State Park where we originally planned to snowshoe. However there wasn't quite enough snow for that so we just winter hiked and enjoyed the views!
Our old man Cuddles is staying warm and snug with lots of snuggles from the kids this winter. His 19th birthday is coming up soon!
And on January 17 Nick and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary!! My how the time flies. We happily returned to the Hibachi restaurant we tried out last year because it was so good! This time was no different, and we for sure will be returning again.
After weeks of waiting patiently, Nick was finally able to crank up the snowblower and use it a few times at at last!
And the kids got to hit the town sledding hill as well for a couple hours of fun before we were all frozen.
Bradley and I met up with a friend and did some snowshoeing at Mendon Ponds Park in Rochester last week. The snowshoes may have been a bit of overkill for the amount of snow, but we did it for the workout! Brad got to walk on a frozen pond for the first time.
And now January is already coming to a close with February already here! My first couple of craft shows of 2024 have already come and gone with many more to come so I'll be staying busy with those and my online orders as well as working the night shift!
Check back and follow for more craziness to come this year.