Even though this year was crazy and different with the virus-that-shall-not-be-mentioned....we still made the best of it and did our annual traditions! We carved pumpkins earlier this week (Nick had to do the majority of it...they were resilient pumpkins!).
Friday evening I took the boys to a "haunted barn" in Brockport for some games, candy, and pizza. They also had some farm animals to pet, and horse rides! I think this was Jacob's first time on a horse.
The weather yesterday for Halloween was perfect! Chilly but sunny and clear the whole day. In the afternoon we did a trunk or treat down the road in Barre.
And of course last night we went trick or treating!! After our usual pizza for dinner, me and the boys hit the roads around our neighborhood. There was not as many kids out, or lights on unfortunately. We still got a decent amount of goodies and had fun!
Another great Halloween in the books! Time to put the turkey stuff out! 🦃