
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Check Out My Crib

He's almost 6 months old but we finally got Jacob's crib put together this weekend! His night sleep has gotten a bit more consistent so I decided that now is the time to transition to his room and OUT of ours! It worked out perfectly because his big brother is gone with the grandparents the weekend so he had the room to himself. Brad is a pretty heavy sleeper so I'm hoping that he won't be disturbed by night feedings.

He seems to love the crib so far!! I put a quilted mattress cover under the sheet and it made it really soft for him. The robot sheet and robot blanket are so cute in the room!

Here is the mobile I made a while back and have been waiting to hang it until we got the crib put in. He loves to stare at it and reach for it with his hands.

These are some of the decorations on the wall over his crib. I will take pics of the whole room after I get it cleaned up a bit more!

His first night in the crib he woke up at 0000 and 0400, then got up at 0800 for the day. I'm hoping that SOON he quits waking every 4 hours. However his longer sleeps are getting more frequent. We are transitioning over to formula so maybe that will help him stay full longer too.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

County Fair 2015

Once again our favorite fair has come and gone for another year. We look forward to it every September and this year was Jacob's first visit! He of course did not ride any rides but we all had a great time. My SIL Sarah and her daughter Zoe came with us and they had a blast. She is just a few months older than Brad and they rode all the rides together.

^That's her behind Brad, being shy

Nick stayed on the ground with Jacob and I rode the Ferris Wheel with Sarah.

They had a petting zoo inside a building the kids loved being able to touch the animals.

And they loved the rides!


Thankfully I brought my sling to wear Jacob in because he passed out towards the end! We had a fun time as always and can't wait to do it again next year!


Saturday, September 12, 2015

5 Months Old!

 At 5 months old you:
  • go to bed at 8pm and wake up around 2am and 5am to nurse
  • take about 3 1-2hr naps each day
  • have eaten peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas and applesauce and love them all!
  • have 2 bottom teeth up
  • are wearing mostly 6-9mo clothes
  • love playing in your exersaucer and going for walks
  • smile really big but haven't laughed
  • are very ticklish
  • are on a break from cloth diapers because of a rash
  • still sleep in mom and dad's room but that might be changing soon

Passed out in daddy's arms after he got off work


Friday, September 11, 2015

Encouraging Good Behavior at Home

Some of you moms out there with small children are well aware that behavior at home can be an issue. In my house, we have high standards for our children's behavior and we insist on manners, politeness, and respecting adults. Our 6 year old boy is for the most part a well behaved kid but he gets on these kicks where he thinks it's funny to sass or repeatedly do something we have told him not to.

I decided it is time to make a behavior chart! His school uses a color chart, and each color has it's own reward or consequence. He seems to respond well to that so I emulated it for our personal use. First I made a chart--1 page per month--representing the days of the week. I will put a colored sticker on each day representing his behavior:

Then I made the color chart that says what offenses he may have done to get on that color, and what his consequences will be. I printed it in black and white, then colored the picture to the corresponding color.

If he gets green stickers for a whole week then he will get some sort of treat on Saturday--a movie, a trip to the library, stay up a little later, etc. I feel like this chart will be a good visual for him to see how his behavior has been, and he can see that if he disobeys then he will have discipline.

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