Today my big guy had his very first surgery--bilateral myringotomy with tubes and adenoidectomy. Or in English--ear tubes and adenoids (behind the tonsils) removed. This was done to help relieve his symptoms from severe seasonal allergies, asthma, and constant ear infections with hearing loss. He has been battling all of this for almost 2 years now so we are all praying that this is our answer!
The surgery was at an outpatient surgery center and we arrived at 7:15am to check in. I had both boys with me because daddy is working out of town and won't be home until tonight. I am quickly becoming a master of multitasking--I had to learn discharge instructions while Brad was sobbing and I was nursing a crying baby!
Brad was a little anxious at first but he was happy to have some pictures to color! He talked to every nurse that crossed his path, then gifted one of them with a finished portrait of "Captain Hulk" (Captain America colored green like Hulk). Thankfully they waited to start his IV until he was asleep so we didn't have to deal with that. They whisked him back and me and Jacob went to the waiting room to......wait.

After what felt like forever, they called me back to a room so see the surgeon who said everything went great. His adenoids were very large and were blocking 70% of his tubes so this should really help his ears clear up. Then we waited some more until we could see him in recovery room. He was very emotional in there and did not believe that the surgery was over. He kept yelling "I want more surgery! I don't want it to be over!" I told him we could have more surgery later--one time today was enough. The nurses thought that was a hoot. Then Jacob started hollering so I began nursing him so I could try to calm Brad down. Eventually I coaxed a smile out of him only if I took his picture:
They gave him some Motrin before we left then wheeled him out to the car. He started doing better as the anesthesia wore off some more.
Here we are hanging out waiting for big brother to get done...
He has been great at home so far with little pain. I had already loaded up on "special" foods for him--yogurt, popsicles, jello, canned fruit, applesauce, spaghettios--so he would have plenty of soft yummy things to snack on while he hangs out on the couch. We will leave soon to pick daddy up and he is very excited about that!