I would like to start off this post by pointing out that it is my 500th post for this blog!! Thank you for reading.
Late Sunday night we returned from our short getaway to Cancun, Mexico! We left early Thursday morning and arrived that afternoon for 4 days and 3 nights of relaxation and beach time. This was our first time there and we didn't really know what to expect, but it was AMAZING and we both had a fabulous time. Out of all of the beaches we have been to, this is definitely at the top and the best part is there were NO JELLYFISH spotted anywhere on the trip. Here are the highlights:
Sunrise on the plane

Arrival at the Cancun airport
Our all-inclusive resort on the coast
View from our balcony
The water was unbelievably clear and blue
The mandatory "sandy feet" picture
We walked up and down the beach one evening and watched the moon rise for a couple of hours.
On Saturday we headed up the coast to the harbor to take an all-day boat ride to the island of Isla Mujeres. We snorkeled, swam, shopped, then had lunch on the beach!
That's me! I call this a "kite swing"
The views on the boat were just amazing. So beautiful!
Pulling into the harbor on the island
On our way back to Cancun from the island, the crew on the boat turned up the music and had some fun with costumes and drinks
Coming back to Cancun
It was a great little getaway for us, and Brad of course had a fun time with his grandparents :) When he is older he will get the privilege of going on big trips with us. I know we will be returning to Cancun in the future. We were really impressed with the kindness and helpfulness of the locals down there.
I took an underwater camera and used it up while I was snorkeling. I will get those developed soon and hopefully they turned out well! Once I get everybody unpacked and the house back in order, I will make time to get my brand new embroidery machine out of the box!