
This blog was started in 2008 when we did IVF for the first time to build our family after 5 1/2 years of infertility. We now have 15 and 9 year old boys (thanks to modern medicine) and we are enjoying our blessed life as parents ♥ In the summer of 2016 we took another huge step and moved across the country from Oklahoma to New York! This blog is about life and everything in between

Friday, August 29, 2014

Going to the Dentist!

A certain little 5 year old FINALLY got to go to the dentist for the first time today! (Don't judge me). He got the works--xrays, cleaning, and exam. He did soooo good and sat very still for everything. They said his teeth look great and he got a goodie bag of things to take home.

After that he went back to school for the rest of the day. When he got home I had him take this pic :)

Everyone have a great Labor Day weekend!!


Friday, August 22, 2014

We've Gone Public!

It's official! There's a baby in there! Only one stuck so *hopefully* this will be a normal uneventful pregnancy like last time! Today was our first ultrasound and I was SOOO anxious waiting for it to come around. I feel a lot better knowing that everything looks okay and is growing nicely!
I am 6wk3d along today and we were able to see the heartbeat! It was 122 and will get faster as it grows.
We go back in 2 weeks for our LAST visit with my specialist. After that I am released to my OB for regular prenatal care. I still have to continue the blasted Progesterone IM shots every single day until I am 10wk along. My poor little dorsogluteal muscles are very upset with me.
I didn't want to just post an US pic as our announcement so this is the pic I made:

I have one more pic in mind that involves Bradley, but that will have to wait until tomorrow because he is in bed! He's been a little pushy with his classmates this week so he has been put in time out every day at school so far....I'm hoping this "acting out" passes quickly and he goes back to his friendly self!
Thank you everyone so much who has been following our recent IVF journey. The support means more than you know to me. I am so very happy and blessed that it worked and I pray that this pregnancy will go well!


Thursday, August 21, 2014


I just wanted to post some pics of my little boy's first day of Kindergarten from yesterday! He goes from 7:50am until 2:50pm (and those who know me know that I despise getting up early). We get up around 7am and head out the door around 7:30 to walk to school.

He has his own locker for his backpack, and they all put their lunchboxes in a corner.

I believe there are about 3 or 4 kids that were also in his PreK last year. He of course plays with everyone but has been getting a little rough with some kids and getting put in time out the last 2 days.....we will have to work on that! He doesn't have much practice playing in large groups of kids so it's just something he will need to learn. It's been very different having a quiet house for 7 hours a day!


Monday, August 18, 2014

A Concert and an Almost-Kindergartener

Last night my brother went with me to a Christian concert. It was a tour with several artists that is sponsored by the radio station Air1 that I listen to (and donate to). Each artist played about 5 songs and everyone did a great job. They include but are not limited to:


Rapture Ruckus

Royal Tailor

 Jonathan Thulin

Jamie Grace

Today I had to work but was able to get home just in the nick of time to take my little one to school for his meet-the-teacher night! He is starting all-day Kindergarten on Wednesday and is super excited about it.

His new classroom and just a couple doors down from his PreK room from last year and his teacher is Ms. Carruth. She seems pretty nice and gave us a packet of info for his first day. I know Brad will do great and learn so much. Nick and I think he could probably skip Kindergarten and go right to 1st grade!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

My Big Brother Got Married!

Yesterday my brother Eric and his girlfriend Amy got married! It was a small intimate wedding at the courthouse with the reception at my mom's house. My wedding present to them was photography with a photo album to follow! Here are the highlights:


Friday, August 8, 2014

Beta #2

This morning I went in to the RE again for another blood draw to check my HCG levels. Here they are!

Beta #1 (12dp3dt) = 160

Beta #2 (14dp3dt) = 330

That is right on track! For the first few weeks the number is supposed to double around every 48 hours. Next is my favorite part--the ultrasound!! It will be 2 weeks from today and we should be able to see how many, and check the heartbeat. I will be 6wk3d then :)

For those who are interested, at 14dp3dt with Bradley my beta was 314!

Stay posted!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Numbers Are In...

I went this morning to my RE for my official HCG blood draw! They asked me if I cheated and took a test at home...I said "of course!" They called me this afternoon with the good news!

Beta #1 (12dp3dt) = 160
Progesterone = >40

I go back in on Friday for another blood draw to make sure it is going up. After that is an ultrasound!!

It's definitely reassuring now that I have a good beta level, but I'll still feel better after the ultrasound. Thank you for the support and prayers guys. It's been an emotional and crazy journey but we made it thru and now we just have to stay healthy and grow a baby!!!


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Can You Keep a Secret?

Seriously though! Because I'm not announcing anything until without-a-doubt confirmed by my RE!

But look!! Isn't it pretty???????

I got a SUPER faint had-to-squint-under-the-light positive on day 7 past my transfer (AKA 7dp3dt in IVF speak) and couldn't believe it!! That is a whole day EARLIER than last time. I have been testing each day since but they are still super faint. I tried a different brand of test (the one pictured) today and it was actually dark enough to take a pic of! I know it's legit b/c this is a hospital-grade test, unlike the cheapos I get in bulk on the internet....

Today is 9dp3dt for me. Monday is when I would expect to start my next period, and if not then Tuesday I will be 4 weeks along! I still can't wait for my blood test on Wednesday!! Check back then!

PS And don't say anything! You can comment your little heart out on here (please do! I love feedback) but please no comments on Facebook yet. Thank you for reading, and thank you for the prayers!


A Night Downtown

I had a fun Saturday night downtown with my favorite girl--my mom! We're kinda BFF. I snagged us some tickets to see Michael Buble and he did NOT disappoint! We were in the nosebleed section but hey--who cares??

This was my mom's first time seeing him, but it was my THIRD time! He was fabulous as always. Naturally 7 opened for him again (group of 7 a capella singers) and we had a great time listening to the songs and watching the show.

We didn't get out of there until around 11:30 and we were starving so we stopped at a little diner for some grub. Can't wait until next time!

PS If you are waiting for the results of my HPT, I am holding out for Wednesday!!!! Check back then :)

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