Right now, we have our windows open with the cool breeze flowing in...and it is pouring the rain!!! I love thunderstorms! As always, I have been a busy girl at home. Our 3rd bedroom is our "
craft room" where Nick has all of his music equipment, GI Joe collection, and big computer on one side...and I have alllll of my sewing/crafting/scrapbooking/crocheting stuff on the other. Thankfully there are two double-door closets so we each get a closet. It is nice because that way we can do our hobbies separately but still be in the same room.
Well on my side I had my tables set up and organized, but I never actually got to the closet...and boxes were just spilling out onto the floor and it was really getting on my nerves. So today during Bradley's naptime I knocked it out and I'm quite happy with the results!

I like to call it "organized chaos." I also finished up a bunch of pendant necklaces that I have been putting together for my upcoming craft show.

Occasionally I will go to a Salvation Army thrift store here in Norman (that I recently discovered) and browse through what they have. I pick up things here and there, hoping to get an inspiration to make something new with it. One thing I like to do is get XL mens shirts for super cheap and use the fabric for other things--like these shorts! I liked the bright orange for summertime, and I finally got around to making Bradley a little pair of shorts. A lot of his onesies have orange in them, so he will be able to get a lot of wear out of them.

He was napping while I made them (and they only took like 30min!) so as soon as he woke up, I put them on! He looks so freakin cute in them.

And I added little buttons on the back (so that he can't pull them off, and so daddy doesn't put them on backwards).

I've got several other old tshirts just sitting around, waiting to be refashioned....stay tuned!