February 17th was my mother's birthday (I won't tell how old she is...) and I had a bunch of little presents up my sleeve to give her. I got her 4 fancy belts (beige, brown, red and turquoise), a photo album, a ring holder, 6 crocheted and knitted washcloths, and this lovely apron that I made from my fabric scrap pile!

Yes I freehand drew the rooster (her kitchen is roosters) and appliqued it onto the fabric, then for the tie I used bias tape and sewed lace around the edges. Very cute!
Some mornings my mumsy comes over while Nick is in class and we have coffee and chit chat or play farkle. One of those days last week I gave Bradley some biter biscuits that my friend Sara got for him, and he went to town! Those things are soooo
messy, so I figured after eating one he may as well have another. He was a happy boy!

Today after I slept from working last night, we met my dad at Jason's Deli for dinner. We all got the salad bar and it was so delicious! They have such a good variety of healthy things to choose from. I got low fat honey mustard dressing and it was pretty tangy! I let Bradley gnaw on some broccoli florets.
And the big news is...while we were waiting for my dad to get there I was holding Bradley on my lap and bouncing him. I heard a new strange sound from his mouth, like grinding teeth. I thought maybe he had gotten something in his mouth? So I opened his mouth up and looked, and he WAS grinding his teeth--he new top teeth!! They have just barely broken the gumline and you have to look really close, but they are there! That explains why he hasn't been sleeping well the last few nights. I was wondering when he would finally get those because he has had his bottom teeth for 3 1/2 months. I am happy that now I can feed him more foods like toast and Cheerios since he will be able to chew.