Norethindrone is a form of progesterone, a female hormone. Norethindrone prevents ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). This medication also causes changes in your cervical mucous and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus.
Norethindrone is used for birth control (contraception) to prevent pregnancy. Norethindrone is also used to treat menstrual disorders, endometriosis, or abnormal vaginal bleeding caused by a hormone imbalance.
I take this for a couple weeks, then I will start another medication after that. I spoke with my doctor's office yesterday, and they will be ordering my IVF meds next week!! I am actually going to be out of the country next week--me and a girl friend are going to Jamaica for 5 days and 4 nights! It will be a purely relaxing vacation, and mostly likely my last big one for a little while.