Sunday, January 23, 2011

On to a Better Place

It is 5:30am and I am counting down the minutes until I get off of work! As usual, I am meeting mumsy at her house for coffee and chit chat before I go home and get some sleep. The last couple of days at work have been filled with looney patients so I am happy to get away for a few days! I don't go back until Tuesday night.

Friday morning we were awakened by a phone call from my mother-in-law. She was calling to let us know that Nick's grandmother had passed away. We are all sad that she is gone, but we know that she is truly in a better place! She has suffered from Alzheimers the last few years, and was bedridden for the last 3. She will be missed but her spirit lives on in our memories. She is now reunited with her twin in Heaven!

Things like this remind me of how lucky I am to have such a long history with Nick. I met him when I was only 11 and we began dating when I was 14. Since he lived out of town at that time, he would frequently come up to the city and stay for long periods with his grandparents. Because of that, I was always over there and I am happy that I got to know them when they were both still in good health. They loved when I came over, regardless of the time of day, and they always treated me as if I were family.

After being married for a couple of years, his grandmother Ella started developing Alzheimers. It progressed quickly, and his grandfather could no longer take care of her on his own. They were moved down to Elmore City to live with Nick's parents after Ella became completely bedridden. When we had Bradley, we took him down there and he got to meet his great-grandpa Garrison a few times. Garrison has since become mostly bedridden and his dementia is progressing.

It is a sad thing to see loved family members getting older, but unfortunately that is the circle of life. All we can do is make the most of the time we have with our loved ones and make sure they know they are important! A lot of us forget how something so simple ends up being so important in relationships. You never know when your time will come, and you can't go back and change what has been done. That's why I try to make my loved ones know that I value them and how important they are to me! No one should have to feel like they are unappreciated, unwelcome, or overlooked.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for you and Nick's loss! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!


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