Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Please turn your attention to the month-long poll I have created on the top right side:


I have decided it is time to update the name of my blog! As my header says, I started this blog in 2008 to journal my "journey" thru IVF and becoming a parent. Well THREE years we are--parents! It has been a rollercoaster trip full of joy, love, fear, pain, and miracles. Our journey TO parenthood has evolved into a journey THRU parenthood! I feel the name of my blog should reflect what the current content is about, and that is our life.

Of course I would love your input on this! I didn't want to suddenly change the name and then everyone is this the same blog? Why did she change the name? So all of you LURKERS out there who read but don't comment--this is your time to contribute (anonymously of course ;) and let me know which name you like the best. I will reveal the winning title on March 1, 2011.

In other news....we attended the funeral of Nick's grandmother today. It was a simple graveside ceremony with a viewing afterward. Several of Nick's cousins, aunts, and uncles were there that we haven't seen for years. It is sad that most family only reunites under such sad circumstances, but c'est la vie. My dear mother also attended, and spent most of the day with us after.

I am at work tonight once again, and won't see much of my family until Friday evening. I am most of the way done with Brad's colorful blanket--only a few rows left! I hope he likes it and grows up knowing that his momma made it just for him out of love!

PS: I ordered 2 flight vouchers with my bonus points at work last week! After I get them in the mail, we can book our flight to NY whenever! Our plans are moving along...



  1. I just voted. It just MUST be 3 p's in a pod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you ever think of such cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course when #4 come along, you're going to have to spring into creativeness again! Well, it'll be interesting to see the new title.! Can't wait. So glad I was able to share yesterday with you all. Think I held lil B a little too much though. Love your blog, as always♥

  2. I also like 3p's in a pod-cute! I started on a crochet blanket for Rosie about the same time as you, using the yarn I recieved as a Christmas present, but I am no where close to being done! It also is made of many colors.(I did not copy,really!)

  3. I voted 3 P's so cute :)

    But you could always leave it and just ADD and beyond. that way its not a change but a transition!

  4. Yea! 3 p's in a pod are in the lead......

  5. thank you for the sweet comments and votes! I look forward to seeing which title gets the majority...

  6. I really like "Simply Happy" the best :)


Show some love and tell me what you think! Don't forget to check back often for new posts.