Friday, January 21, 2011

Orders and Presents

I have been crocheting blankets like crazy the last few months! But baby blankets go much quicker than large afghans, so I don't mind making those!

This baby blanket is my most recent order from a coworker. She is a respiratory therapist that works days who heard about my work and tracked me down to place an order! She is expecting her first grandchild in July and wanted me to make a white/beige blanket.

I would have liked different colors, but these are what she chose so that's what I went with! It is actually 3 colors--tan, white, and a striped beige/tan in rows.

Isn't the edging beautiful?? It is another stitch I tried for the first time out of a book my mother got me. She's the best!

I am still working on Brad's blanket of many colors. This might be the first "official" blanket that I'm making for him, but I actually crocheted several different baby blankets many years ago when Nick and I first started trying to have a baby. Most of them are pretty feminine though, and back then I didn't get nice soft yarn. So they are still sitting in a bag, all folded up and unused!

My next craft is an idea I saw on some blogs I follow. I made these yesterday as one of the presents for our neice Zoe who turned 2. They are refridgerator magnets! Who needs the cheap plastic ones??

Speaking of turning 2....our little guy will be celebrating another birthday in just a few short months! Nick and I have been talking about where we will have it, and what kind of stuff we will have to eat and do. We have a few other friends with children around Brad's age, so that will be fun to see them all playing together and interacting. These are the days that I had dreamed of for so long! Planning birthday parties for my little one and seeing his face light up when he opens presents and eats his cake--my heart just glows thinking about it! We are so blessed to have the friends and family who have stuck around and been there for us through our hard times!

The bad things in life help us to appreciate the GOOD things (and people) in life even more!


  1. The edging is gorgeous!!!!! The edging completely changes the blanket from just plain to ooh la la-ness!!!!!!!! Hope your co-worker loves it! Yes, hard to believe lil B's 2nd b/d is just around the your blog and all you share♥

  2. thank you mumsy, you are so sweet! i think all mothers should be as nice as you! and yes she loved the blanket and said she would be bringing more orders my way.

  3. LOVE the baby blanket! The edging is VERY nice! The magnets are totally cute too! I am sure Zoe will love them!


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