Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Little Boy Turned 1!

I hope my baby had the best first birthday ever! I worked very hard to plan and coordinate everything, plus hand make his outfit and all of the food. We had a great time today, and all together including kids there was about 30 people at the party! And now that he is one year old, I am going to start doing the "stats" every 6 months instead of every month.

At one year old you:

  • are drinking plain whole milk now, but still demand it be warm!
  • are done with bottles and only have sippy cups now
  • still have 8 teeth but seem to be getting more soon
  • went through a cranky/picky stage recently but are getting over it
  • sleep 12-13 hours at night
  • are back to taking two 2hr naps a day
  • are in a big-boy carseat now and facing forward!
  • still crawl and cruise everywhere, no walking/standing on your own yet
  • are very good at eating chunky solids and finger foods
  • absolutely love strawberries and bananas. Seriously.
  • say "mama", "dada", and "baba"
  • are in size 4 diaper
  • are in 12 month clothes
  • love to be in the pool, but usually like to be held and not in the floatie
  • love to crawl up to the kitties and pat them
  • give big open mouth kisses

^The big cake was a homemade carrot cake. See the "B"?

^I reserved some of the carrot cake and made Brad his own little star-shaped cake to eat!

^The menu was carrot cake, lemon cream cheese cupcakes, hummus and wheat crackers, veggie tray, fruit tray, pinwheels, BBQ smokies, chips, and M&M cookies. We had orange punch with red star-shaped ice cubes to drink, and there were apple juice boxes for the kiddoes.

^Sister-in-law Teri, my dad and my mom

^Sara holding a friend's baby, and my mom

^Mother-in-law Penny and sister-in-law Sarah

^Coworker Tammi and family

^Coworker Adriene and family

^Meredith and family

^My brother Shane and my hubby

^Chowing down on his cake! He took a bit to check it out, then figure out how to pick it up, then he slowly chewed on one of the edges. He eventually finished the whole thing!

^After the cake and presents, most of us changed into swimsuits and went outside to beat the heat!

I hope everyone had a good time--I've never planned a child's birthday party before! Now for thank you cards....


  1. LOVED B's reaction when he touched his mini cake--- SO wish the cameras were rolling on that one, lol! hilarious!

    Everything was perfect! The effort you put in did not go unnoticed! You are so dang creative!

    So glad we were there to enjoy it all with you! I hope you've enjoyed your first year of motherhood, hope it's been all you dreamed of and more!

  2. The party was a huge success! You are such a great party planner!!! I know Bradley had a ball you could just see it in his expression when Nick brought him down stairs to see everyone awaiting him. I hope he had a great time swimming after we left. Sorry we had to leave so early-we really do need to plan a day to come swim in your awesome pool with everyone. I know Scott would have a blast with Bradley-he always does. I loved how Scott and Bradley growled at each other when they were playing blocks-their SO boys! hehehe!


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