Monday, June 28, 2010

My New Toy

I finally got my home gym in the mail! I mentioned before about ordering it with my points I earned at work for doing extra shifts. Well we got it in on Friday but with our busy weekend, Nick couldn't put it together until today.

It looks neat and we are pretty excited about using it and getting fit together! It came with several big cards (they are on the stand on the top of the machine) that each have a group of exercises for different parts of the body. Each exercise has a visual, and there are resistance bands that go from 5lbs up to 37lbs.

In other news, today was Brad's one year checkup at the pediatrician. Everything went well and the doctor is very happy with his growth. He was glad to hear that Brad is off of the bottle already, and said we should get rid of the paci next. I split his shots up again so he had 3 today and will get 2 or 3 more in a few months. They didn't draw blood today thankfully--they said they can do it next time. He weighs 23lbs 4oz, and is 30in long. He cried for just a few minutes after the shots, then he got some Tylenol and some cuddling and was all better. He hung out with me at my mom's house this evening while I did laundry and chatted.

That's it for now! Tomorrow evening is our big Twilight trilogy night at the theater downtown with my friends Sara and Meredith. The first one starts at 7pm and the last one starts at midnight. It is going to be a long night, but lots of fun!


  1. LOTS OF FUN INDEED! I'm sooo excited!

    The home gym looks very nice! Work on that fitness *Although you're naturally gorgeous... you can thank your mother for that! :)

    Glad little B is growing up without a hitch- I <3 him!

  2. The gym looks FUN!!!! I'm so glad to hear Bradley is growing strong and healthy right on target!!! Your are SUCH a great mommy to him!!! When is laundry night again I am dying to see my favorite girls including your mumsy oh how I miss the trio so!!!
    Twilight was a B L A S T!!! Edward was gorgeous as ever!!!!


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