Tuesday, June 22, 2010


One year ago today was the day that I had waited to come for so long. When I finally did get pregnant, June 22 was the magical day that I dreamed about for the entire 9 months. I couldn't wait to see little baby's face and be able to start a life as a mother.

When June 22, 2009 got here, I had his whole nursery ready and waiting for him to come home to it. Most of the things in it where hand made or designed by me. I was very excited, but his daddy was very nervous and scared because he didn't know what to expect!

But June 22 was also a day of exasperation because it was my due date, yet I was NOT going into labor yet!!! It felt like it was never going to happen, and I was disappointed because I ended up getting induced. But the little guy was almost 9lbs when he came out, so I wonder how big he would have gotten it went naturally? Scary...

Yes I'm not gonna lie, I miss being pregnant. Always having him with me, feeling him kick and move around. Being able to show off to everyone that I am FINALLY going to be a momma. Letting strangers do favors for me....people at work not asking me to help bathe their patient....HA!

But I am so thankful that he is here and healthy, and we are a very happy family that has been blessed by God for all that we have. We have struggled through the hard times, and are on our way up the hill towards the good times. Nick and I have trouble with friends but we always have each other and our little boy. I can't wait to see him grow!

1 comment:

  1. I stll can't believe it's been a year... and even though that last paragraph mostly pertained to me I still wanted to comment :) I love you Kandace, and I love your little family! You have the most adorable little boy in the world, who just happens to be one of the happiest babies in the world too! & The love that you & Nick share is very special! I'm excited for little b's bday party- excited to celebrate the year long life of your miracle baby!!


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