Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015

This Halloween was a fun holiday for our family! We had a ton of family and kiddos to enjoy pizza and trick-or-treating together well into the evening. The kids all got a grand haul of candy and were tuckered out by the end of it! This was Jacob's first Halloween and I think he had a fun time too!

A few days before, daddy carved pumpkins with the boys for our porch:

On Friday Bradley was allowed to wear a costume to school. He couldn't have worn his ghost costume because it would interfere with PE, so we dressed him up as a biker! He loved it.

Jacob got to be an owl! The costume kept him warm in the chilly air and of course everyone thought he was adorable (which he was!). He got lots of candy :)

Here is Brad in his ghost costume with his cousin Zoe who was "Elsa":

Here is niece Kiara and nephews Cameron and Kavyne:

Everyone had a fun time, and we all got a lot of exercise! We were happy to put on our PJs at the end of the day and relax with a few chocolates!


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