Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saying Goodbye

A few days ago we said goodbye to my father-in-law Mark Pierce. He has been sick for a few months but we had no idea how sick he really was until the end. The doctors found his body full of cancer and he battled in the ICU for 2 weeks until the Lord finally called him home.

It has been very hard for the family because Mark was such an important part of our lives and he was taken so quickly. We struggle to get through each day without him and now we all have to adjust to our new "normal" life without him in it.

Mark Pierce

His memorial service was on Tuesday and there were many friends and family who came from all over to say goodbye. After the service the family and close friends came back to the house for food and visiting.

 My MIL's brother Gary and his wife Kim

 My brother Shane and his girlfriend Regina

 Nick and Jacob being silly

 Mark's brother Chris, sister Lois, and Lois' husband Warren

 Penny's best friend Cathy and I

 Cathy and Penny

Jacob and his great Aunt Lois


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