Saturday, November 8, 2014

Welcome November! Pics from the Week

I have just a few more Halloween pics to sneak in! Brad had his school party on Friday so of course he had a blast wearing his costume and playing with all of his friends.

The day before Halloween Nick helped Brad carve the pumpkin. They had a fun time and it turned out great!

A few days ago I colored my hair--brown on the roots for the grays, then red on the bottom ombre part! I love it!

Tonight Nick and I attended a beautiful wedding of a girl I work with. It was the first time either of us had been to a Catholic ceremony, so that part was new and interesting! The reception was beautiful and I pray she'll have a life full of wedded bliss.

 Right now I am 17wks and 4 days pregnant, only FIVE more days until our next ultrasound!!! I just can't wait until that day, then our gender reveal party will be that night! Be sure to cast your vote on the side ---------->>


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