Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween!

That is my little giraffe! On Sunday evening we took him to Edmond for the Storybook Forest. We got there just as the sun was setting and he enjoyed seeing all of the storybook characters and getting candy! At the end there is a hayride and games. He had a great time!

I have to work tomorrow and I'm *hoping* to get off in time to go with them trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. This weekend I will have to squeeze in time to take down the Halloween decorations and put up the turkey stuff!

In other news---we find out in 2 weeks if we are having a boy or girl!!!! I put a poll on the side ------> so that you can vote on what you think it is!


1 comment:

  1. Patiently waiting for a pic of your baby belly!


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