Friday, September 5, 2014

Our Last RE Visit

Today was our very last visit to our infertility clinic! I made a huge batch of brownies and took them up there for the office to enjoy. It has been 2 weeks since our last US and it is so amazing to see how much little bit is growing! You can see the arms/legs, and the heartbeat was super strong and going at 172. There wasn't much movement that we caught but I swear I saw a leg twitch.


It is very reassuring to know that he is growing according to schedule and the heartbeat is strong. A little over 3 more weeks and I'll already be in the 2nd trimester!
I have scheduled my first prenatal appt with my OB for Sept 16 so I am assuming I will get another US then. We are all very excited to see what changes will come over the next several months!
In other news....Nick and I have booked our babymoon! Next month we are flying (adults only) to Cancun!! Neither of us have been to Mexico but we LOVE the Caribbean so I know it will be amazing. I've heard so many good things about Cancun. We are staying at an all-inclusive resort so we won't have to worry about one little thing. It will be our last big trip for awhile!


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