Sunday, September 7, 2014

Having a Blast at our County Fair

This weekend was our county fair, and every year it is the ONLY fair we go to! It is the highlight of September and this year we took my brother and his 3 kids with us. Now that Brad is bigger he had a blast riding more rides and sitting with his cousins!

The weather was absolutely perfect! It was overcast and had rained the whole day until around 3pm. We went in the evening after 6pm and enjoyed the cool breeze and fair food. Brad got to ride his first roller coaster and he had a blast!! He is turning out to be a thrill seeker just like I was at his age. I only rode the Ferris Wheel and managed to get a little queasy on it......

Everyone had fun and we were worn out by the end of the evening. We can't wait for next year!

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