Friday, September 23, 2011

Our New Toy

This is a 1930 Bentley (kit car) that we bought on Wednesday! No it is not a permanent addition to our family. This was purchased to fix up and flip! Nick has such a nack for that kind of thing that I gave him free reign with our savings account...he assures me this one is a gem!

It looks great, drives great, and has a clean title---all very hard things to come by with an old car! He won't need to do much to it before it's ready to go. I recommended placing an ad for people to rent it for photo props!

As for Bradley...well he thinks this is his new toy. He absolutely loves it and helped Nick "work" on it all day today. As soon as he got up and went downstairs, he ran to the back door and wanted to go out to the garage to sit in it! We have been taking him for little rides down the street to our local park and he does great.

Other than this, I have been busy crafting away for my first fall craft show of the year. It is one week from Saturday and I have 80% of my projects done. I had a few days off in a row this week so I took advantage of it!

I added onesie dresses to my stock for the first time, so hopefully they sell good. They are priced cheap and look adorable, so usually that works in my favor! I placed them in my online shop also for those who are interested...


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