Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Foreigner and Journey Concert

Yesterday evening I had a great night out with my dad and brother! We all went to go see Foreigner and Journey in concert in OKC. Night Ranger opened for them, but I didn't know any of their songs--sorry! The bands sounded great and it was very LOUD. I never thought an outdoor venue would be one of the loudest I had been to.

I would estimate there to have been around 10,000 people there. The weather was perfect--it was right at sunset and the temp was probably 65-70.

Night Ranger was first, then Foreigner, then Journey finished out the evening. The concert started at 7pm and we left at the last song around 11pm.

^I recorded part of this piano solo for my momma

After the 30 minutes it took to get out of the parking lot, my dad came back to our house and ended up hanging out with us until almost 2:30am! We had a great time.

I have been putting the finishing touches on things for my craft show Saturday, and I believe I am pretty much done! Here is a pic of my latest creation that is going to be for sale in my shop and at the show:

Is that not the cutest thing ever????


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