Sunday, September 11, 2011


My mom got my baby this toy mower recently and it has become his new favorite! We took him outside today and sat on the porch while he went round and round in circles pushing his little mower...

Today I had an old friend come over for a nice long visit where we exchanged crafting ideas and showed off our projects to each other. When the evening came, me, Nick and Brad all three went to our county fair for the second year in a row and had a great time! Pictures will be posted later on.

PS. Remember those today whose lives were lost 10 years ago...



  1. awwwww....glad to see he likes his mower! Plowing through everything! LOL

  2. It was so good to see you yesterday, we need to get together again soon, I have definitely missed having you as a friend :) Bradley is so cute, it's surreal how big he his now, and how much he is talking! I just love his little voice! He is so smart and so sweet! You & Nick are doing a great job my friend!


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