Monday, September 12, 2011

County Fair 2011

This weekend was our Cleveland County Fair in Norman and of course we had to go! Last year was our first time going and we absolutely loved it. We loved the simplicity of it, the old-fashioned feel, the good prices, and ease of access. But last year Brad was only a little over 1 and wasn't walking so he didn't really know what was going on. This year he was able to run around, pet animals, and really enjoy it!

They had a free hayride there, so Brad got to take his first hayride! He just sat there quiet the whole time looking at everything.

He LOVED the carousel--I mean he did not want to get off. I had to peel his hands off of the rail.

After the carousel we went and got a funnel cake and lemonade that we all shared. It was a nice treat. We saved the Ferris wheel for last!

We all had a good time, even though little boy was cranky from not taking a nap. He fell asleep on the way home with a belly full of funnel cake.

I got a video of him riding his trike finally! I will post that next time....


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