Friday, August 5, 2011

A New Camera and a New Baby

Do you recall the camera that I ordered with my points from work? Well I got it in the mail a few weeks ago and finally sat down to figure it out and get the memory card set up. Here is my first batch of pictures:

The boys chilling by the pool

Cuddles watching me surf the web.

Bubba playing

Yesterday we ventured out into the 114 degree weather to Shawnee to see our good friends who just had a baby on the 29th. They also have a newly-walking one year old so I baked them a meal and took them food and diapers! We spent a few hours talking, laughing, corralling the babies, and changing diapers!

Holding a newborn is MUCH different than holding a 2 year old! I had forgotten how to do it!

The two Sphynx kitties--Tessie and Luna.

Nick loves the kitties and the kitties love Nick.

Jet giving Brad some love smacks as I try to get a picture of both of them together.

One of Brad's perches when we go over there--the toy bin.

Rachel holding her precious new little girl Tinley.

The three boys--James, Brad, and Nick--hanging out on the couch.

Brad shimmied himself into the walker then got stuck!

Jet wearing the new outfit that I made for her birthday! Isn't she a cutie!?

We had a great time over there as always and finally left so that they could all get some more rest. I remember those days of no sleep! Rachel and I won't be working together anymore unfortunately since she is on maternity leave and this is my last weekend at OU. I'm sure we will be making more trips out there and meeting for family meals!

On the way home it was so ungodly hot that we had to get Brad out of his carseat, take his dripping-with-sweat clothes off and cool him off in front of the air conditioner. GRRR! I am so completely over the weather here. Done.


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