Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Final Weekend

For my last two shifts at OU on Friday and Saturday nights, I took my camera with me to take some pics with! Unfortunately not all of my favorite friends were working this weekend so not everyone is pictured...but here are the ones who were there!

Driving to work Friday evening

The lovely temperature

Where we sign our name after passing our licensure board test. They started this the year I graduated nursing school in 2006 and these are hanging right by the entrance.

My name third from the top

My locker!

Me and Kimmie

Kimmie and Whitney getting meds out

Chelsea and me!

Jim, Whitney, and Kimmie hanging out in the North pod


Bethany, Chelsea, and one of our supervisors Kelli

And now here is Saturday night, my last night there.....

I baked a couple loaves of Amish Friendship bread (will post about that later) and took one to work for my friends!

Mucho rain in the distance

Chelsea and Mike


Janice and me

Karim and Lana--two of my fave RTs!

I will miss the people I worked with and hopefully will see many of them again in the future. It is time for a break from the ICU and from working 50 hours a week! For the first time in about 8 years I will have my nights back, and for the first time in about 3 years I will have my weekends back!! I am so happy with my new work family at Saint Anthonys and I look forward to focusing on that job for awhile.


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