Sunday, October 24, 2010

One AND Two Years Ago This Month!

October 2008 was a huge month for me--one of the biggest of my life. I had dreamed of getting pregnant for many years, and this was the month that I finally got to see my second line:

I wasn't one of the lucky girls who got pregnant all willy nilly--no, we had to work for it! 5 1/2 years and $15,000+ to be exact. But the result was so beyond doubt worth it, and I am so very blessed to have a little boy to call my own. Everyday I cherish his existence, and I know I am blessed to have him in my life. Here is our very FIRST ultrasound at 5wk!

Now fast forward another year to October 2009, and I got to actually HOLD my little one and smell his hair and kiss his cheeks. He was only 4 months old then, and was just starting to hold his own bottle, roll over, and eat cereal!

My my, how fast they grow! These memories will be with me always, and my little Bradley is truly the light of mine and Nick's eye.

1 comment:

  1. Its so hard to believe how much Bradley has changed! he is soooo precious!


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