Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Daze

In the Pierce household, we are all very excited about November getting here next week! We all love the holidays--the decorations, smells, food, family get-togethers, and weather. Nick and I both prefer the weather to be chilly and gray outside. I love the cooler nights where we can snuggle together to keep warm, and I can put little footed pj's on Brad.

A few days ago, Nick took Brad outside to "help" him with the car. Brad got to get inside and turn the wheel. He loved it!

Nick's parent stopped by to say hi, and we all had fun watching Brad run around everybody.

Yesterday I got in an order of 90 photos I had developed for scrapbooking. I am also going to put pictures of all the hats I have made into an album to take to craft shows so that customers can get ideas. I chose this album because it matches the colors we use on our table at shows, and because it was only $3!

Today I broke out the bread machine for the first time this season. I started off with Pumpkin Quick Bread. Man did it smell good while it was baking! I just took it out of the machine so I haven't sliced into it yet. I also have a recipe I will try later on for pumpkin spice cupcakes. Yum!

This week will be cut a little short for me because I switched my Saturday night to Thursday so that we could take Brad out trick-or-treating. Of course that was BEFORE Norman decided to do their candy night on Sunday, while pretty much the rest of the cities are doing it Saturday night. Oh well, maybe we will go out both nights! Our costumes will be a surprise--but don't be disappointed if Nick doesn't dress up. Sometimes he just likes to be an observer.


  1. Adorable pics! Gorgeous photo album! Cute write-up! You're good!

  2. The bread looks delicious and Bradley looks perfect playing with the car like daddy! I can't wait to see what you have decided on for Halloween. We have already trick or treated once and will again tonight! =)


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