Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Festival, Swimming, and Friends

Sooooo, I've had a busy weekend! This summer is pretty much going to be nonstop for me with working extra, taking trips, birthday parties and cookouts! I love it! I had my first Saturday off in forever so I took advantage of it and spent the day at the Sam Noble Natural History Museum with Bradley and my friend Sara. She had never been there before, so we enjoyed taking our time and checking out all of the exhibits. Right now they are featuring the "Chocolate" exhibit which tells all about the discovery and history of the cocao plant and how chocolate came to be what it is today. No, there weren't any free samples but we did pick up some exotic flavors in the gift shop! Bradley was an angel the whole time in his stroller.

Sunday was a VERY busy day because we planned to attend the Italian Festival in McAlester, OK with my father! Bradley was going to go with us, but my mother-in-law requested that he spend the day in Elmore with them so we said OK since they don't get to see him very much. We all woke up bright and early Sunday morning then made the 70 mile trip down to Elmore. I had a bag packed for him and he really enjoyed being able to spend the day with his grandparents, aunt Sara, and cousin Zoe.

After driving back to our house, we met my dad there for a quick breakfast then hit the road for a 2+ hr trip to McAlester. We finally got there around 1:30pm and braved the 90° heat for some Italian fun!

Of course like some good Italians, we had to hit up the food tent first! For a flat price we got a plate full of yummy food and a drink. Fill 'er up!

Each table had a jug of Parmesan ready, and a little Italian flag! I took the closest flag and plopped it right in the middle of us!

After checking out the vendors and grabbing some souvenir Tshirts, we headed into the Expo building for the craft booths. Our favorite one was run by a winery called Whispering Meadows right there in McAlester! We got to sample several different wines, and we all ended up buying a few bottles to take home with us. Yum, vino!

Forgive me for this being out of order, but last Wednesday the 3 of us went to my mom's house so that Nick could repaint her front door. To keep Bradley entertained since he can't nap over there, I had the idea to put some warm water in a big tote and for a makeshift "pool"! We threw a few toys in there and let him go at it in his birthday suit. He loved it!

Yesterday after our day was all done (after driving about 700 miles total) we took our first official dip in the pool! It was a bit chilly, and almost dark, so we didn't stay in very long. But Bradley seemed to enjoy his baby floatie and I think it will be a great summer!

To end with, today I got together with an old friend from high school days. We were both choir brats and had a lot of good times together before she had to change schools. Now we are all grown up and have kids so we got to hang out and catch up today while the children swam in the summer heat. Fun times for all!!

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