Wednesday, May 26, 2010

11 Months---Eeeek!

Yes my little guy is already 11 blows my mind. It makes me so sad how I longed for so long for a baby, but ironically after he got here the baby stage is so short!! His daddy had to help distract him for these pics; I fear we may have to start a new pose! Next month will be his last monthly portrait--after that, I will only do one every 6 months.

At 11 months old you:

  • are still a good eater for the most part, and you haven't really had junk food yet
  • use a sippy cup all the time now
  • drink about 4-6oz half formula/half milk 3 times a day
  • demand that your milk be WARM
  • take two 2hr naps a day
  • sleep from about 9pm-9am
  • use your paci when going to sleep
  • are still wearing size 3 diapers, but getting close to 4
  • have already been swimming a few times and seem to like it!
  • are crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything
  • still have 8 teeth
  • like to clap your hands
  • haven't been away from us for longer than 8hrs
  • like to babble and repeat sounds we say
  • absolutely love bananas and strawberries--pretty much all fruit
  • are wearing 12mo clothes and almost in a size 4 shoe
  • have already had 2 haircuts so far!

I don't really think he's any closer to walking right now, but maybe in another month or two. I already have his bday invitations addressed and enveloped--just need to put stamps on them! I plan on mailing them out within a week or two.

Just about 2 1/2 more weeks until we all head out to Lake Texoma! I reserved the boat rental today, so everything is taken care of! I know we are going to have a blast hanging out with each other, and just getting OUT of the city. Thanks for reading ;)

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