Saturday, January 16, 2016

9 Months In, 9 Months Out!

Weight: 20lb 2oz
Length: 29.5 in

At 9 months old you:
  • are crawling all over and pulling up to stand
  • can put yourself into a sitting position, and then back to crawling
  • love to stand and bang on the table
  • eat 3 meals and 3 bottles a day plus snacks and finger foods
  • love everything you eat, especially if it's from our plate!
  • have two teeth on bottom and two teeth on top
  • go to bed around 7:30pm and sometimes wake up once or twice at night before 8am
  • take a 2hr nap around 10am and 4pm
  • love to play with your big brother
  • have outgrown all 9mo clothes and are wearing 12mo size
  • are STILL in our room night, but will be moving into brother's room soon now that you are sleeping better

I introduced him to a sippy cup recently and he loved it! Until he learned that chewing on the nipple is fun too. I'm going to try a hard top sippy cup soon and see if that goes better.


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