Saturday, December 12, 2015

8 Months Old

At 8 months old you:

  • Go to bed awake and put yourself to sleep very well, but....
  • Have been waking up several times a night recently!
  • Usually wake up around 6am but we can get you to doze for a bit longer in bed with us
  • Take 2-3 naps per day still
  • Have a 6-8oz bottle every 3-4hrs, plus a small one during the night if you won't go back to sleep
  • Are sitting up much better now
  • Are getting more mobile and love to roll around and scoot backwards
  • Love to eat food! Anything and everything
  • Are getting better with finger foods
  • Have outgrown most of your 6-9mo clothes and are into 12mo
  • Love going for trips
  • Are a happy baby!

We had family photos made--the first nice ones in two years! The boys did great and we got some really amazing shots.

Jacob enjoyed his first Thanksgiving. He ate about as much as I did!

We are gearing up here for Christmas in a couple of weeks. The weather has not been conducive to festive has been sunny with record highs in the 70s. I am ready for some snow! On Bradley's first Christmas we got a blizzard with over a foot of snow, but I don't think Jacob's will be that exciting.


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