Friday, September 11, 2015

Encouraging Good Behavior at Home

Some of you moms out there with small children are well aware that behavior at home can be an issue. In my house, we have high standards for our children's behavior and we insist on manners, politeness, and respecting adults. Our 6 year old boy is for the most part a well behaved kid but he gets on these kicks where he thinks it's funny to sass or repeatedly do something we have told him not to.

I decided it is time to make a behavior chart! His school uses a color chart, and each color has it's own reward or consequence. He seems to respond well to that so I emulated it for our personal use. First I made a chart--1 page per month--representing the days of the week. I will put a colored sticker on each day representing his behavior:

Then I made the color chart that says what offenses he may have done to get on that color, and what his consequences will be. I printed it in black and white, then colored the picture to the corresponding color.

If he gets green stickers for a whole week then he will get some sort of treat on Saturday--a movie, a trip to the library, stay up a little later, etc. I feel like this chart will be a good visual for him to see how his behavior has been, and he can see that if he disobeys then he will have discipline.


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